How do you unblock message on Facebook

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Facebook stands as the largest global social media network, facilitating connections with a vast array of users on a daily basis. This extensive interaction, however, raises the likelihood of encountering individuals who may exhibit impolite or bothersome behavior. When faced with such situations, the option to block them is available on both Facebook and Messenger.

If, whether by mistake or a change of mind, you opt to reverse this action, an unblock option is always at your disposal to re-establish communication with the users you previously blocked. Comprehensive guides below are provided to assist you in acquiring the knowledge of unblocking someone on Messenger or Facebook.

How do you unblock message on Mobile

To access the list of blocked friends, simply click here

Step 1, tap here and go to your Messages

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Step 2, enter someone who you want unblock message on Search Box

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Step 3, tap their name (I want to unblock Ammar Butt)

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Step 4, tap option icon:

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Step 5, choose Unblock Messages

How do you unblock message on Facebook


How do you unblock message on PC

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Step 2, click here and go to Facebook Blocking Tab

How do you unblock message on Facebook

Step 3, Choose Unblock messages ~> User name (Bridgid Anne) ~> Unblock

How do you unblock message on Facebook


How do you unblock message on Facebook

Blocking someone on Messenger prevents the Facebook user from sending you messages or making calls. It's crucial to note that blocking on Facebook and on Messenger differs. The former results in unfriending the person and restricting their access to your posts, pictures, or any interaction with your account. The latter solely inhibits their ability to call or message you but doesn't remove them from your friends list.

Various reasons may prompt you to block someone on Facebook or Messenger. Some users may send inappropriate messages containing nudity, harassment, or content you wish to avoid. Another scenario involves unknown users attempting to establish contact.

Occasionally, you might block someone but later decide to resume communication or realize the block was a mistake. Understanding how to unblock messages on Messenger becomes essential in such cases. Keep in mind that a 48-hour waiting period is necessary before unblocking a user after initially blocking them.

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