Gastly - Haunter - Gengar - Pokemon Evolution

Gastly - Haunter - Gengar - Pokemon Evolution

Pokemon Gastly

Pokemon Gastly

Gastly is wordplay with similar reading from Ghastly and borrow from Gas, Japanese name is Ghos. Pokemon Gastly have 95% gas of body weight. Almost invisible. Pokemon gaseous cover and poisoned or put opponents to sleep, but they did not know. Pokemon Gastly is kind of toxic gas and has 2 type: Ghost and Poison.

GhosGastlyMale ♂: 50.0%
Female ♀: 50.0%
Ghost, Poison1.3 m
0.1 kg
TypeCatch rateSkill / Hidden skills
Poison 24.8%Levitate / #
People said that Gastly often appear in areas abandoned buildings. With gaseous body, Gastly can bypass any public slit. So Pokemon Gastly may be gone with the wind.

Pokemon Haunter 

Pokemon Haunter

Haunter is acquired from haunt (implied) and the suffix -er only factor, Japanese name is Ghost. Pokemon Haunter is the 2nd level of Pokemon Gastly evolution after reaching level 25. People believed came from a different dimension because of the ability to walk through walls of it. Pokemon Haunter  is kind of toxic gas and has 2 type: Ghost and Poison.

GhostHaunterMale ♂: 50.0%
Female ♀: 50.0%
Ghost, Poison1.6 m
0.1 kg
TypeCatch rateSkill / Hidden skills
Poison Pokemon11.8%Levitate / #
Pokemon Haunter vitality of opponents drawn by licking them with his tongue made of gas. After being licked victims will not stop shivering to death. In the darkness, Haunter tracing its next victim.

Pokemon Gengar

Pokemon Gengar

Gengar is a play on words from the Doppelganger (the phenomenon of the same person, because Gengar enter their shadow and pretend to be their) and genganger (the dead to life). Pokemon Gengar is the next evolutionary level of Pokemon Haunter. Gengar reduce the ambient temperature around when it entered into other organisms shadow. On full moon nights, the shadow can freely say and laughter caused by Gengar. Gengar is Shadow Pokemon with 2 generation: Ghosts and Poison.

GengarGengarMale ♂: 50.0%
Female ♀: 50.0%
Ghost, Poison1.5 m
40.5 kg
TypeCatch rateSkill / Hidden skills
Shadow Pokemon5.9%Levitate / #
In the evening, Pokemon Gengar elegant hobby is to imitate the movement of the shadow and smiled triumphant person to see the victim in fear. It is said that Gengar appeared from the dark and killing of those who unfortunately lost on the mountain.

Mega Gengar

Gengar will evolve up to Mega Gengar after receiving Gangarite. After super-evolved, lower body half Mega Gengar  always hidden, because the body was lying in another world, another dimension. Gold eye in the middle of his forehead to look into that world.

Mega Gengar

Mega GengarMega GengarMale ♂: 50.0%
Female ♀: 50.0%
Ghost, Poison1.4 m
40.5 kg
TypeCatch rateSkill / Hidden skills
Shadow Pokemon5.9%Shadow Tag / #

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