Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie are also shoulder Pokemon like Pikachu!

Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie are also shoulder Pokemon like Pikachu! 1

That’s right! You’ve heard it here first as my Koji Clan twitter followers have tweeted me this great news!

Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie are also shoulder Pokemon like Pikachu! 2

Yesterday as I released the Pikachu easter egg article, only hours after this the Koji Clan twitter followers flocked in with news about Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie also having this effect. After digging further for an image, I’ve found only one image for two animations supplied by Mikal Odom and ジェイミー マレー on our facebook fan page! Thank you Mikal and ジェイミー マレー!

( I’d tag your pages directly but I never received a response and I’m unsure about your preference of publicity, so just tweet me and i’ll tag you here )


Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie are also shoulder Pokemon like Pikachu! 3

Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie are also shoulder Pokemon like Pikachu! 4

Supposedly Eevee
automatically becomes a shoulder buddy, this means his animation appears on your shoulders as soon as you assign it. There’s speculation that other Pokemon may do this as’well, however Pikachu, Caterpie, Weedle and Eevee are the only Pokemon that have been confirmed for this animation. (Imagine a Snorlax on your shoulders .. oh my)

Please note, I am unable to confirm if Caterpie, Weedle, or Eevee require a certain amount of km walked to be a shoulder buddy. However I’ve received information that these 3 Pokemon automatically become a shoulder buddy once assigned.

I’m not really sure if we can still call this an Easter Egg, considering there are now 4 Pokemon that do this animation, this makes it less likely. Just to confirm please tweet me at @Uchihakoji if you have other images of Pokemon that have this same animation after walking a certain amount of km.

Eevee, Weedle, and Caterpie are also shoulder Pokemon like Pikachu! 4

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